Best background check services Delhi NCR in 2020: Personal and business
Background check services are different to credit checks and police checks in that they simply use public (or sometimes even private) databases to look up information on one or more named persons.
Best background check services Delhi NCR
There are a number of reasons why you might want to run such a check, and these products also allow you to search for family or friends you've lost contact with, or indeed you may even want to simply see what data has been made available on you.
However, you can use these background check services to go further and look for information relating to real estate, businesses, or just to look up who might have called you when you didn't recognize their number.
The best thing about these sorts of checks is that they are simple and easy to do, and there's no public record of who was searching or who was searched, so there is no harm at all in using such services.
The main negative about these background information check services is that they do tend to be limited, and if you want more than just names, addresses, and telephone numbers, you will need something like a paid-for employee background check service.
In the meantime, these are the best services you can use.
Background checks for large firms and SMBs
Big brand screening
Small business packages
Sterling is another major provider of employee background checks, covering main areas of criminal and civil court checks, identity verification, drug and health screening, as well as workforce monitoring. They also offer to provide global checks, as well as social media searches, to ensure you hire employees you can trust.
The company works with a wide range of industries, not least construction, utilities, financial services, healthcare, hospitality, manufacturing, retail, and transportation. Sterling also offers specific services for small and medium-sized businesses.
Although the company provides screening for major brands and agencies, Sterling also provides a number of packaged solutions for small businesses in order to make background checking services more accessible and affordable.
However, for most clients, a more custom approach to employee background checks will be required and therefore will need to contact Sterling directly for a quote.
Also Read: Why Companies should Invest in Background Verification for all kind of Recruitment!!
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